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  • Writer's pictureSheri

Changes Coming!

We've been serving our local community here in Farmington as well as hundreds of friends and customers in St. Louis for nearly 5 years. What an amazing 5 years it has been. We've learned more than we could imagine and have felt so blessed by the supportive and encouraging words many of you have written to us over those years. Walking each day among the goats, hens and gardens remains one of our fondest pastimes as we continue to work towards sharing healthy options for our community.

One of the many things we have learned from farm life is the need for flexibility. Each year we look back at how the previous year went and make adjustments to improve, streamline, and become more efficient at what we do, without compromising quality. We also look at what is the best for us and our customers in the long term. From the first day we arrived, we had a desire to share what we have and what we've learned with others. That is still our goal.

With this in mind, we have decided to make rather large changes to our farm offerings in 2020.

First, we will be focusing on our Nigerian Dwarf Dairy goat herd and all the wonderful products we can offer from their high-cream milk. We'll still be offering goat milk soap, lotion, body butter and our newest addition, goat milk lip balm, all under the name "Kailyn's Natural," as we have done since 2016.

We will also continue to improve our goat herd by our attention to healthy immune systems, excellent genetics and our pasture rotation efforts. From this, we hope to help other breeders start or add to their own herds with the healthiest animals possible, raised without chemicals.

Second, instead of selling meat chickens, eggs and garden produce to the public, our focus will be to do all these things for our own family (and for our land) and help others to learn how to do what we have done. This may take the form of educational writings online or possibly hands-on work here at our farm.

While we love providing real food to those who desire it, we believe what is even better and what is long lasting, is to teach others more about how to do this themselves. In a world that is rapidly becoming a food desert, where "fake food" is marketed as healthy, and foreign food goes unlabeled, we desire to rise up a new generation of those who would consider farming, homesteading or taking even small steps toward healthier living. Even those in a city can do small things to raise healthy food in their own little yard. We are even praying about ways we can start a community garden to teach young families organic techniques, and at the same time, support the elderly who are unable to garden or reach farmer's markets. This is a long-term goal and will take much planning and thought.

Third, we plan to offer helpful tips on all things homesteading through our website and facebook page. Giving you insight to how we use pasture rotation for animals, how we grow produce, how we process meat chickens and many ideas on how to incorporate healthy eating and self-sustaining tips into your daily life.

Fourth, we will be increasing our elderberry bushes each year, offering Elderberry juice and other related products. We'll also continue to share our low-sugar jams from our own berries or berries of neighboring farms and honey from our beehive.

We hope you will continue to travel this journey with us and we pray you are encouraged and challenged to raise what you can at your own home, and purchase local those things you aren't able to do on your own.

All of these changes will happen slowly over the course of this year. We will still have excess eggs and chicken to provide throughout this winter. Follow us on Facebook for more updates as they happen. We are looking forward to this new season of life on the farm!

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