Coat of Arms SM Leba Bela 4*M/ Barn Name: Bella
Available: $500.00
Bela as a second freshener earned her milk star. She is SO easy to milk by hand or by machine and gives a lot very quickly. She milks out over 4 lbs. daily and is actually hard to dry up as her body naturally wants to keep on producing milk long term.
Excellent milk capacity and a very docile and agreeable disposition. Would be a dream as a family milk goat.
Sire: *B Tiny Tales Farm Snowmaggeddon
Dam: GCH Tiny Tales Farm Beth March 3*M
DS: +*B Buttin' Heads Hanky Panky
DD: SGCH Tiny Tales Farm Meg March 2*M
Date of Birth:
Littermates: Twins
Buckskin with extensive white overlay
Height: 18 1/2 inches
Milk Test:
2022 - Earned milk star
LA2022 +GE+83
Kidding Record:
2021 (FF): Twin doelings
2022: Twin doelings
2023: Year Off
2024: Doeling/Buckling twins