FARM TOUR Frequently Asked Questions...
What Should I Wear?
Wear closed toe shoes, you'll be walking in areas also walked on by animals and depending on weather, there could be muddy or wet areas. It's a farm and farms can be messy. Ours is no exception!
For younger children, you might consider bringing a change of clothes for the drive home. Although it may not be necessary, it could be a handy "just in case" item to have.
Sunblock and hats are strongly recommended. Also see "What's on my Feet?" below.
What is your refund policy?
In the past, we would always refund money paid if a family or person was not able to make the trip. However, we found that last-minute cancellations were keeping those on the wait list from being able to attend.
So our new policy this year is as follows: If you cancel with more than 5 days notice, you will receive a full refund. If you are within the 5 days, you may apply any money paid to a different tour on another date. This is primarily for the consideration of all the participants. We thank you for understanding.
Why is there a minimum amount of attendees?
Part of our mission is to share knowledge with our community and with the next generation about sustainable farming practices. So we strongly desire to find ways to bring people here and share!
We have learned over the years how very efficient we must be in order to keep the farm running. We are a small family of 4, with 3 grandparents who come to assist us almost daily.
We must be wise stewards of our time. While we love having guests and friends visit, we know we must do so in an orderly, sustainable way.
In addition, we rent several items for each tour to make your time here comfortable and safe. The money paid for the tour helps cover these costs. For these reasons, we are not able to offer a tour if we have fewer than 20 people. We are so sorry for any inconvenience and hope we can accommodate you with at least one of our remaining dates, should this impact you.
If a tour is cancelled and no other dates work for you, you will receive a full refund.
What should I bring?
Hats, walking shoes and sunblock are definite musts.
Spending money in cash or check in the event you want to purchase something from the farm store.
We have had people say they wish they would have brought an ice chest as they desired to bring home fresh chicken or produce after visiting. If that is a possibility for you, you might consider bringing an ice chest!
If coming to the food preservation tour, an apron might be handy but is not required.
What facilities are available on the farm?
There is a temporary restroom facility on the property. It is kept very clean! Hand washing facilities are stationed in two places on the farm.
Bottled water is provided to all participants throughout the day.
What's on my feet?
Let's talk about your shoes, although we already mentioned proper footwear previously, there is something else you should know. Everyone who visits our farm will be asked to step in a disinfectant wash. Just a quick "step in, count to 3, step out." Why? Because this wash kills bacteria that can harm our goats. You likely aren't carrying any of this bacteria unless you visited another farm, a petting zoo or have goats at your home. However, the risk is high as some bacteria can be carried on your shoes and in the soil for upwards of 90 days! Sometimes even crossed over by cattle.
We choose not to vaccinate our goats and instead run what is called a "closed herd" which means no other goats are added to our farm and no goats leave our farm for shows or other purposes. This ensures the health and well-being of one of our most costly and cherished parts of our farm - our dairy goats!
Additional Information, Tips and Rules of the Farm:
Stay in designated areas. Do not allow children to wander outside your reach and please remain in areas designated by your tour guide(s). Do not to into animals areas or barn without a tour guide with you. This is for both the safety of you, your children and of the animals.
Chasing animals is strictly prohibited. Anyone chasing an animal will not receive a warning, rather they will be removed from the animals' area and asked to wait until the rest of the group joins them. We do not wish to be mean, but this rule will be enforced for the safety of all people and all animals. Please do not be offended if this happens. Better yet, please help ensure that it does not happen.
Do not feed any animals. Animals on our farm are on strict diets, eating only certified organic feed, and if given something not approved, they could become quite ill. Thank you for understanding.
Rules, rules, rules.. right? Well, they are all intended to ensure you have an awesome time! If you agree, head on back to the farm tours page and sign up!